Happy Thanksgiving From Your Favorite Desperate Housewife!

Thanksgiving came early for one lucky parking attendant near the Toluca Lake Koo Koo Roo today, when a Desperate Housewives cast member went out of her way to make sure he was mindful of the holiday season:
While picking up Koo Koo Roo mashed potatoes today I witnessed a fine example of Los Angeles kindness.
A woman who short-changed the parking attending by only giving him half of the required two dollars to leave the lot, yelled at him. (This was happening while she was trying to navigate her SUV and talk on the cell phone):
Attendant: "You only gave me a dollar?"
Shrew: "Jesus! It's Thanksgiving. Be nice. FUCK!"
And she drove off.
Yes. I swear it was... I kid you not...
Desperate Housewife Eva Longoria.
While it seems that the busy starlet might have been conflating Thursday's celebration with the upcoming Christmas holiday by invoking the name of Jesus, her point was well taken; the attendant almost certainly gave sincere thanks that he was not crushed under the tire of her SUV for seeking that additional dollar. And please, don't feel left out because you weren't fortunate enough to be there in person for this wonderful reminder of the seasonal spirit. If she could, Longoria would happily wish a "Jesus! It's Thanksgiving! Be nice. FUCK!" to us all.