Gossip Roundup: Trouble in Britney and K-Fed's Trailer Park Paradise

• In a fit anger, Britney Spears has booted husband Kevin Federline out of their lovenest and into the Beverly Hills Hotel. Good for K-Fed: we're sure Spears is footing the bill. [R&M]
• On their way home from a Thanksgiving weekend spent at a Scottsdale, Arizona spa, Jennifer Aniston and Vince Vaughn are pulled over; the cop smelled a hint of booze and advised Vaughn not to continue driving. And then, because they were white and famous, they were let go. [IMDb]
• Actor George Clooney won't finish his post 9/11 catfight with Fox News screamer Bill O'Reilly, but he'll certainly mention it at any opportunity if it helps promote his new movie. [Page Six]
• Martha Stewart's daughter Alexis experimented with lesbianism, but the bois she dated just didn't know how to bake. [R&M (2nd item)]
• Whoopi Goldberg and Prince Edward, Earl of Wessex? Yeah, we're stumped. [Lowdown]