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With the season of holiday parties upon us, you may notice an increase in sobriety checkpoints on the road. Should you find yourself in the mortifying situation of being stopped after having had one too many, remain calm and cooperative. Alternately, you can choose the route Lost's Michelle Rodriguez opted for upon her recent DUI arrest angrily requesting to have the officer blow your brains out:

KITV quoted court and police documents that said Rodriguez was "very argumentative" and kept interrupting the officer who was explaining drunk driving sanctions to her.

"I don't (expletive) belong here! Why don't you just put a gun to my head and shoot me! You've already taken my freedom! You might as well take my life too!" she said, KITV reported Friday.

The officer who took Rodriguez in a police car to the Kailua substation quoted her as saying "Just take my car and I'll walk all the way to the North Shore but don't leave me in the back of this car poppie."

It's hardly surprising Rodriguez, in her moment of desperation, fell back on the fearless, in-your-face persona that made her a star in the first place. But next time, and we have no doubt there will be a next time, she will definitely have to raise her trash-talking martyr game to outdo this performance, perhaps by threatening to shave her head and submit herself to a Honolulu public square stake-burning should she not follow the voices of God telling her to get behind the wheel after 14 vodka tonics.