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· Sex and the City creator Darren Star signs a "2-for-1" pilot deal with ABC. Should his projects go to series, they should give the network a convenient place to dispose of any Housewives who get too uppity with their salary demands. [Variety]
· Ridley and Tony Scott promote David Zucker to head of TV at their Scott Free Productions following the success of CBS drama Numbers, which apparently is still on the air. Oh, excuse us: Numb3rs. [THR]
· Starting Monday, Nielsen will monitor DVR recording as part of their ratings report. Don't worry, their pilot program will measure only 60 homes to start, so you have plenty of time to erase that shameful season pass to Rodney and your "Ryan Seacrest" wishlist in a fit of paranoia. [Variety]
· Annals of stunt-casting: Christina Ricci will guest star in a "special" post-Super Bowl episode of Grey's Anatomy. Yeah, that's right, it's a slow news day. You wanna make something of it? [THR]
· Folsom Prison invites Fox to screen Walk the Line for its inmates. Joaquin Phoenix will attend, but having moved on from his Johnny Cash role, will probably decline an invitation to spend a month hanging out in the jail. [Variety]