Resident Evil: Drudge and Malkin

From PR blog Media Orchard's list of the year's 10 Worst Spins, the number four worst attempt to influence public perception in 2005:
PR people take a lot of flack (as it were) for their spinning abilities — but nobody spins better than media and blog pundits. Two of the worst offenders are right-wing BS artists Matt and Michelle — whose disingenuous rabble-rousing borders on the pathological. Drudge in 2005 tied the inarticulate rantings of a CNN switchboard operator to the vast liberal media conspiracy; Malkin linked a subpar Photoshop effort at USA Today to the self-same plot.
Does that mean, then, Matt Drudge and Michelle Malkin are actually worse than publicists? We don't like them either, but it's not as if they're wearing $5000 power suits and nibbling on roasted kittens at Cipriani.
Media Orchard Presents: The 10 Worst Spins of 2005 [Media Orchard]