How to Be Like Jenny 8.: Lose Jeans, Gain a Trend

Perhaps a brewing Jenny 8. Lee trend story? From Craigslist this morning:
People who've had favorite clothes stolen from laundry (for article)
Hi there, I'm a journalist, and just had my best pair of jeans stolen from the laundrette. Am now writing a story (to get the cash to buy a new pair). Any of you have anything significant stolen from your laundry (not socks—something that came as a blow,), and any follow-up stories? No unserious responses please, and you have to be willing to be quoted. Thanks—
Actually, of course not. Jenny 8. would never go for something as plebeian as a Craiglists query, at least not so long as the Harvard alumni listserv still exists. (Also, we don't think she'd lash out in what was clearly a companion post from last night, after the jump.)
But, still, it's really nice to see The Ocho's reporting techniques are finally trickling down to the state-school set.
The bitch who stole my Citizen jeans at the 2nd ave laundrette tonight - 32
Time: 15 minutes ago. Place: the dryer. Occasion: You sneaking bitch, you stole my best jeans from my dryer while I wasn't looking, leaving the Gap pair (thanks a lot). You fucking bitch, have you heard of karma, how about starting a New Year off right (I hope you end up in jail or rehab). Or how about this? Have you heard of buying your own damn jeans, not stealing other people's? I bet you have a fat ass and they won't fit, and you'll throw them out because you are an evil stinking skanky tub of lard, you fucking criminal. People used to get their hands cut off for shit like this.
People Who've Had Favorite Clothes Stolen From Laundry (for Article) [CL]
The Bitch Who Stole My Citizen Jeans at the 2nd Ave Laundrette Tonight [CL]
Earlier: Things to Do on New Year's When You Went to Harvard