In Defense Of The Braless Drew Barrymore

The entire viewership of the Golden Globes could easily second-guess Drew Barrymore's decision to go braless during her presenting duties, but JV NY Daily News gossip Lloyd Grove called in a plastic surgeon for his expert opinion on Barrymore's breasts:
"What the hell was she thinking, going braless? When she came out, my wife said, 'She really needs a lift. I can't believe a stylist let her go out like that.' We look for them to be mid-arm level. Hers were down to her elbows."
It's usually our job to throw some Duraflames on the fire of controversy, but in this instance, we fell compelled to leap to Barrymore's defense. Sure, her unholstered goodies were more than noticeable when compared to the trussed-up sauce shelves of her more pneumatic contemporaries, but even a professional surgeon is prone to hyperbole when pressured for good copy. A review of the photographic evidence reveals that Barrymore's breasts reach down to, at best, lower-arm level. Let's not go crazy with the elbows talk, lest we find ourselves victims of the subjective nature of memory, wistfully telling our kids about the time that Barrymore showed up to the Globes pushing her bosoms up to the microphone in a wheelbarrow.