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· Welcome to Cancellation Town, population Heather Graham and John Stamos: ABC extends its "unplanned hiatus" for Emily's Reasons Why Not and Jake in Progress for at least two more weeks, and doesn't know when or if it'll show the remaining unaired episodes. [Variety]
· ...Meanwhile, Fox puts down Malcom in the Middle, sending Frankie Muniz into his movie career full-time. [THR]
· Finally, closure: Glory Road ends up edging out Hoodwinked for the weekend's number one spot after all, by a Jerry-Bruckheimer-farts-and-more-money-than-this-falls-out margin of $48k. [Variety]
· American Idol's deranged talent show of the absurd pulls in an amazing 35 million viewers. The other networks might as well run test patterns and snow on Idol night and save themselves some pain. [THR]
· New Paramount Classic honcho John Lesher, the huggingest exec in town, throws his arms around producer Scott Rudin, director Paul Thomas Anderson, and star Daniel Day-Lewis for There Will Be Blood, loosely based on a 1927 Upton Sinclair novel. [Variety]