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Queerty, the blog with just a little too much spring in its step, if you catch our drift, recently found this unusual casting ad on Craigslist:

We're looking to cast five young male talents age 10-18 to act as FAB5 protege's on an episode of Queer Eye!

If you consider yourself fairly knowledgeable on any of the following fields: food, fashion, grooming, culture or design. Then send us your photo for consideration. This is your chance to strut your stuff and make over one of our straight guys!

If this is not you, but know someone who fits the bill, then nominate him! E-mail us at Include applicants name and phone number.

It's difficult to say how a terribly, terribly misguided idea like this gets off the ground. We imagine it starts with some bespectacled, mock turtle-necked Queer Eye producer pitching the idea as "Muppet Babies meets the Fab 5," followed by the rest of the staffers nodding their heads in enthusiastic agreement, whilst conveniently disregarding all the icky implications of labeling a prepubescent child with sexual-practice identifiers like "queer" and "straight." That said, we can't wait until it airs, if for nothing else, simply to see mini-Thom completely reimagine a playroom in tasteful earth tones as mini-Kyan applies hot wax to a 9-year-old "straight" boy's back.