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With all the profiles of Marissa Mayer in Business Week, Fast Company, and the Observer, which facts are getting the most attention? Here's a guide to media coverage of Google's mascot.

What you will learnWhat you won't learn
Marissa was a high school cheerleader.SHE DATED LARRY PAGE!!!
She doesn't have a pet.SHE DATED LARRY PAGE!!!
She was Google's 20th employee.SHE DATED LARRY PAGE!!!
She gets along with marketers.SHE DATED LARRY PAGE!!!
She sleeps four hours a night.SHE DATED LARRY PAGE!!!
She participated in her school debate team.SHE DATED LARRY PAGE!!!
She has patents filed on her work in AI.SHE DATED LARRY PAGE!!!
She grew up in Wausau, Wisconsin.SHE DATED LARRY PAGE!!!
She turned down a job teaching computer science to work for Google.SHE DATED LARRY PAGE!!!
She holds thrice-weekly office hours.SHE DATED LARRY PAGE!!!