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· The trades break down last night's SAGgies, where Reese Witherspoon celebrated the warm-up to her seemingly inevitable Oscar win. [Variety, THR]
· Even without the protection of the Desperate Housewives bully, ABC's Sunday night Nielsen toady Grey's Anatomy dishes out some ratings intimidation. [THR]
· Quinceanara and God Grew Tired of Us pull the first-ever double-double victories at Sundance, winning both audience and jury prices in the dramatic and doc competitions, respectively. Sadly, Destricted's brave depiction of the forbidden love between man and bulldozer goes unrewarded. [Variety]
· McG plans to reclaim his long-abandoned place in the fauxteur pantheon, finally ending a three year behind-the-camera hiatus to direct Matthew McConaughey in a college football tragedy-and-redemption pic. [THR]
· And please, we beg of you, don't go to Variety's homepage and gaze upon the truly horrifying picture of Martin Lawrence, in full Big Momma drag, bounding towards you in a yellow one-piece. You've been warned. [Variety]