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Okay, it's kind of mean to keep picking on Marissa Mayer, right? Like maybe I should give up by now? Ha, like that'll stop me.

Found this in the January BusinessWeek (thanks to Rod Boothby). Looks like they've gotten so used to writing about the Google VP that they let HER start writing — about herself, of course.

Creativity is often misunderstood. People often think of it in terms of artistic work — unbridled, unguided effort that leads to beautiful effect. If you look deeper, however, you'll find that some of the most inspiring art forms — haikus, sonatas, religious paintings — are fraught with constraints. They're beautiful because creativity triumphed over the rules.

Thank you, Marissa Mayer, for breaking out of corp-speak and gracing the world with adages from the heights of Google. Please don't let your position as an executive in an IT company stop you from realizing your true calling as a timeless cultural critic.

Turning Limitations into Innovation [BusinessWeek]