This is utterly gratuitous, but the Mari-and-Larry story has yet another update. Both Google execs have traded up, according to insider tips and some Google holiday party pics. Larry's dating a lovely young lady named Lucy, while Marissa hooked up with Google hottie Dave Jeske.

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Larry's new girlfriend Lucy is said to be just as smart as Marissa, but with a bonus dash of humility — she hasn't expounded on haiku and religious paintings in BusinessWeek, anyway. After the jump, more Lucy and the adorable Dave Jeske.

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And what a cutie! It's positively evil to expose her to you people, but you'll all treat her gently, right?

This image was lost some time after publication, but you can still view it here.

To Melissa's credit, David Jaske (longtime friend of both Larry and Marissa) is one hot piece of ass too. Together, they'd make the perfect 80s prom portrait.

Geez, hard to tell who's feeling luckier, Larry or Marissa. What's your call?

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