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Well, yes. So Atoosa Rubenstein might be a touch retrograde and anorexia-inducing in her off-the-cuff fashion pronouncements — "I feel like I want to start starving myself so I can wear those clothes now," she said of a Fashion Week collection — but at least she hasn't revived as a promo for her Seventeen an old Mademoiselle premium MUGger Charlie Suisman pointed us to today: The Manhunt Scarf, copyrighted by the Conde Nast Publications in 1963.

It's a pink, black, and white silk scarf that doubles as a board game. The rules are simple: "Take one die, any number of girls, and toss. Use shells, pebbles, anything small for markers. First girl home is first girl married." Along the way, the "girls" move toward or away from the matrimonial finish line by landing on squares with directives like, "You didn't put your perfume on this morning. Back to GO," or, "You broil a great hotdog. Ahead 1."

Oh, magland's halcyon days. And no amount of Atoosian purging can bring 'em back.

Spotlight on Mademoiselle's Manhunt [Mystery Date via MUG]
Earlier: And a Thousand Teenage Girls Go Running for the Toilet