'Daily News' Goes to the Mattresses in City Circ War
So you know how there's a perpetual circulation battle going on between the Daily News and the Post? And you know how there's all sorts of circ scandals going on at papers across the country, the most notably local example being at Newsday? And you know how the Post keeps gaining on the News's circ margin, but we're supposed to think that because the Posties are incendiary and irresponsible and the Newsies are the good guys, if somewhat plodding?
Well so much for all that: Two News deliverymen were arrested in Garden City, on Long Island, for stealing Posts and Timeses worth some $2,100 from a train-station newsstand over three months.
More than anything else, we're really amazed by this: Who's ever heard of such dedicated deliverymen?
The Nassau County Police announcement is after the jump.
'Daily News' Drives Arrested for Stealing Rival Papers [Ad Age]