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• Remember the name Rachel Noerdlinger. She's the publicist who sent out an announcement that the city would pay $25.6 million Staten Island Ferry crash victim Paul Esposito when, in fact, no such agreement had been reached. Well done, missy. [NYT]
• For what it's worth, Times restaurant critic Frank Bruni can't get a table at Craft, either. And he often dines at hotspots as early as 5:45 or as late as 9:45 — just remind your girlfriend of that when she starts whining about Buddakan. [Diner's Journal]
• Stodgy millionaire residents of the West Village continue to complain about the noisy gay teens on Christopher Street and its pier. The solution, clearly, is to get these kids a roller rink. You know, a place to hang. [VV]
• Fine, fine — Time Inc. will pay you back. [FishbowlNY]
• The difference between and Heteros. [Big and Sharp]
• With Trader Joe's currently dominating the circus, 14th Street has become a paradise for gourmet food porn aficianados. [Curbed]
• Red States win at the Washington Post. [E&P]