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Last we heard from Judy Miller — or, at least, the last time we were paying attention to Judy Miller — she was skulking away from the Times and promising, in her negotiated farewell letter to the editor, to continue fighting for truth, justice, and the American way. "In my future writing," she vowed, "I intend to call attention to the internal and external threats to our country's freedoms — Al Qaeda and other forms of religious extremism, conventional and W.M.D. terrorism, and growing government secrecy in the name of national security — subjects that have long defined my work." But the question has been: For whom would so do this writing? Then we received an email from a reliable source:

I heard the Atlantic Monthly has Judy Miller working on a story.... I guess it stands to reason since they went and got Howell after he got the boot.

We're inclined to believe the rumor, but we wish we had more detail. Anyone have more confirmation that Judy's working for The Atlantic? On what? To be published when? We'd love to know, and we promise anonymity will be protected — although not, granted, through 85 days in the Alexandria Detention Center.

Earlier: Gawker's coverage of Judith Miller