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We're totally digging this we-ask-you-answer thing. Today brings answers to two more of our outstanding queries. Outstanding!

First, we asked yesterday for info about the potentially imminent death of Celebrity Living after a tipster informed us that the mag's distributor was giving up some of its newsstand pockets. Ad Age's restless Nat Ives found the answer. The AMI title is not dead yet, but it's not growing either:

American Media has scaled back its ambitions for Celebrity Living Weekly, the star-gazing lifestyle magazine introduced in April 2005. The decision could be a sign that there actually is a limit to the audience for fame.... [The company] decided disappointing sales for Celebrity Living Weekly meant it shouldn't increase the number of newsstand and checkout-aisle pockets it reserves for the title. While additional pockets present consumers with more chances to buy a magazine, the space is costly and not justified by the return past a certain point.

Then, while there are still a number of known unknowns about Judy Miller's reporting assignment for The Atlantic, the Observer's Media Mobsters have at least answered our latest concern on that front, about how long it would take new Atlantic editor to finally get a working phone:

Though a receptionist at the magazine's Watergate offices said this morning that Bennet lacked a phone line, the editor telephoned this afternoon — using his office telephone, which he said he has had since starting his job.

Thanks, guys.

AMI Puts Breaks on 'Celebrity Living Weekly [Ad Age]
Correction: Atlantic's Bennet Does Have a Telephone [Media Mob/NYO]