Bonnie Fuller Just Wants to Share Her Knowledge

Damn Bonnie Fuller for writing that massively titled book of hers — over ten years since her initial rise to legendary monsterhood, the release of The Joys of Much Too Much : Go for the Big Life—The Great Career, The Perfect Guy, and Everything Else You've Ever Wanted is the only justifiable reason that we're still subjected to profiles of AMI's queen bee. And so today brings yet another she's-a-tough-bitch article from the Sun, in which she divulges, "As a child, I liked to be bossy." How totally surprising. Also surprising is the revelation that Fuller just doesn't get it:
At one point during lunch, she said she was puzzled why she didn't get invited by very many journalism schools to address students...
Oh, poor Bonnie. If only Abu Ghraib had a j-school...
Ambition - and Bossiness - Came Early to Bonnie Fuller [NY Sun]