Joan Rivers to Help Donny Deutsch Get Laid

Joan Rivers just can't get enough of internet dating. After being revealed as a user of, she went on the Today Show to talk about her frustrations and go on five quickie dates with five very uncomfortable men. Presumably none of those worked out enough to keep her occupied, and so Joan's taken to playing matchmaker for advertising guru and talk show host Donny Deutsch. Why, does His Manliness need a little help? Apparently the fig-leaf-cum-swimsuit isn't doing him any favors.
In an email sent to JDate members yesterday, it was announced that "Joan is looking for attractive and outgoing female JDate members between the ages of 30-40," as determined by whatever fancypants headshot interested, desperate women send in to NBC Universal. Those selected will participate on a speed-dating "contest" today, and then Joan herself will select finalists to appear on The Big Idea With Donny Deutsch.
If you know anyone who's participating in this sad, sad crap, do let us know. We're curious to see if things really are so bad out there that women are actually competing to spend time with Deutsch. On CNBC.
Joan Rivers Wants to Find a Date for Donny Deutsch, and it Could Be YOU! [AdFreak]