Teri Hatcher Latest Victim Of Haunted 'Housewives' Set

We nervously laughed it off when a piece of piping on the set of Desperate Housewives somehow dislodged itself and conked Eva Longoria on the head, throwing the actress to the ground and drawing blood. But the haunted Housewives set's freak, star-injuring accidents show no signs of slowing down:
Teri Hatcher suffered an eye injury when a light bulb exploded on the set of ABC's "Desperate Housewives," People magazine reported Wednesday.
"Glass lodged in my right eye and proceeded to scratch my cornea," Hatcher was quoted as telling the magazine following Tuesday's accident. "I was taken to a wonderful eye doctor, and am now wearing a most glamorous eye patch over the right half of my face."
First a mild concusion, now glass lodged in Teri Hatcher's eyeball: The "incidents" appear to be increasing in severity. By the time Felicity Huffman has fully adapted to her new prosthetic foot and gotten comfortable with the thought of acting near lawnmowers again, we imagine Marcia Cross will be on high alert for any decapitation-seeking runaway camera dollies rolling her way. It's not all gloom and doom on the set, however, as Hatcher's new ocular accessory will finally allow Ryan Seacrest to indulge his long-standing pirate make-out fantasies.