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This weekend, PBWiki founder and coder Dave Weekly hosted the ninth in his grand series of SuperHappyDevHouses (where guests have included the inventor of the mouse, and where each iteration is unpredictable, like a fractal and unlike a King of Queens episode).

SHDH is an irregularly scheduled weekend coding session in the Peninsula town of Hillsborough. It lasts all Saturday night, with some coders staying up til dawn. I was lucky enough to get stuck there overnight and witness the whole shebang, which everyone called the "most productive" devhouse, especially for its size.

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These three hung out on the stairway for a few hours, like a very hot, female, Asian Cerberus. Actually, not like Cerberus at all.

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Yes, Scott Beale and Neil Kumar heard your little "Two black guys and a white programmer walk into a bar" joke. No, the punchline was not appropriate at all.

Lest you think geeks don't have sex — that night netted not one but two condoms in the trashcan of the cramped downstairs (I think. Maybe the roomier upstairs) bathroom. Granted, only one is confirmed to have been used on a girl, but still, way to go, developers!

After the jump, things more boring than bathroom sex. But they are still good things.

Photos: SHDH 9 [Elea Chang on Flickr]
SuperHappyDevHouse [Official wiki]

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Dave Weekly. Organizer. Man of mystery. Commie.

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"I appreciate you trying to help, it's really cute. But let's face it, boys can't code."

Val Henson (above) whipped up a nifty app that combs SEC data for unlikely financial data. The tool compares a company's reported financial numbers to the actual distribution of normal financial data. Given enough data, the figures that skew wrong (Shell, which recently posted surprisingly low revenue after some government trouble, was the worst offender) were probably fudged.

Sunday morning, the overnighters (about a dozen guys) analyzed the night over brunch. "There weren't as many girls this time," said Technorati coder Tantek Celik. "There were more," someone replied. "You just didn't notice because they were actually coding."