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· The ratings for David Blaine: Drowned Alive spike in the special's second hour, clearly indicating the desire of viewers in the 18-49 demographic to watch the magician suffer a tragic, soggy death. [Variety]
· Apple will now sell shows from the Fox family of networks on iTunes, allowing fans to watch on their iPods an even tinier Kiefer Sutherland yell about why he doesn't have time to explain why he's acting like a terrorist in order to stop terrorists. [THR]
· Warner Bros.based Legendary Pictures has bought the rights to adapt online game World of Warcraft for the big screen, and will spend the coming weeks trying to figure out a way to charge the game's installed, 6 million person subscriber base a monthly $14.99 fee for the duration of the movie's development. [Variety]
· Polly Cohen is named president of Warner Independent Pictures, replacing the recently, messily ousted Mark Gill. [THR]
· Clear Channel gives Whoopi Goldberg the opportunity to prove that she can be annoying in the exciting medium of terrestrial radio, handing her a morning drive-time show. [Variety]