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Keith Kelly reported today that Maxim EIC Ed Needham had been canned, though we'd heard that Needham was long considering a farewell tour. Now, just sent out around Dennis Publishing, a clarification:

Sent: Friday, May 12, 2006 12:20 PM
Subject: Message From Stephen Colvin

Many of you have read the article in today's New York Post about Ed Needham leaving Dennis Publishing. I just want to clarify that Ed Needham resigned from Dennis Publishing. He is not 'about to be forced out....' as the New York Post article states. Ed actually resigned about three months ago and has been quietly and professionally working out his notice period. He will be leaving Dennis Publishing at the end of this month. His decision to leave is purely based on his desire to relocate back to England with his wife and young child. I would like to thank Ed for all his hard work and tremendous contributions to Dennis Publishing. I wish him well in his future career in London. There will be another email from me later today announcing Maxim's new editor in chief.

Stephen Colvin
President and CEO Dennis Publishing

So who will be crowned the next king of the lad mags? Until they hand the new EIC his honorary dildo-scepter, we're taking guesses.

Earlier: Rumor Patrol: Ed Needham Ditching Maxim?