Eva Longoria Tops Maxim's List Of 'Women On Our Cover Who Will Sell Most Magazines'

Desperate Housewives' Eva Longoria continues to be the subject of an ongoing campaign by Maxim magazine to beatify the pint-sized Latina firecracker with the title of Her Babemost Excellency, Supreme Exalted Hottie Above All Others. Not satisfied merely to celebrate their 100th issue by coating the Nevada desert in her Godzilla-sized likeness, Longoria now crowns the magazine's annual "Hot 100" list for the second year in a row:
"I was actually really shocked last year when I made the list," said the 31-year-old Longoria, who ranked No. 91 on the 2004 roster.
"So 91 to No. 1 was a big jump, and then to get it a second time in a row — I just couldn't believe it," she said Friday. "I was like, 'Surely there are more beautiful women in the world.' I can name 10."
As (Alba, Jolie, McPhee, Winfrey, Johansson, Couric, Bilson, McAdams, Bosworth, Lansbury and Simpson—J., not A.) can we, though it appears we have no choice but to defer to Maxim's editorial department's highly calibrated "chicks-they'd-like-to-bang" assessment abilities. None of this will be any consolation for Longoria's co-star Teri Hatcher, who limped her way onto the list at #73, a full 25 spots beneath the only other Desperate housewife to make the grade, #48 Nicollette Sheridan. (Perpetual bridesmaid Felicity Huffman was completely passed over once again, with her eerily convincing Transamerica "I have a penis" routine not doing her any hottie-perception favors.) But even as Hatcher sits locked away in her trailer, bitterly refusing to participate in any Hot 100 Housewives set celebrations, we're still confident she'll have her day to outshine her castmates— when her perky, bikini-clad gripples adorn the cover of the lad mag's first annual "Molestation Victims Summer Swimsuit Spectacular!"