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Last week brought the TV networks' upfront dog-and-pony shows for advertisers, and this week's coverage makes clear that the most successful shtick came from ABC Entertainment president Steve McPherson, who after weeks of training did some Dancing With the Stars-quality hoofing on the Lincoln Center stage, accompanied by a professional dancer. What's less clear, however, is what that pro-dancer partner was wearing. Up top is Mediaweek's chaste version of the publicity shot. Below left is Ad Age's seemingly unexpurgated version of what otherwise seems to be the very same image, and below right is Newsweek's take — idtentical but, curiously, with a bit of added shadowing. We got no idea.

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All three complete images after the jump.

UPDATE: Broadcasting & Cable reports that they used the image, too — and that it arrived from ABC already cleaned up a la Mediaweek's version.

Modest Mediaweek:

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Honest Ad Age:

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Shadowy Newsweek:

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Current Issue [Mediaweek]
TV Networks Make Thursday Fight Night [Ad Age]
Battle of the Network Stars [Newsweek]