'Conde Nast Porfolio': The Hangover

The Post reports this morning that "Conde Nast and [EIC Joanne] Lipman have maintained strict radio silence on what the editorial thrust of Portfolio might be." Maybe the tab was tuned to the wrong station? Because the Times, Women's Wear, and Mediaweek somehow manage to get some details on that editorial thrust.
Mediaweek was first on the case, posting yesterday afternoon. It reported that CN Portfolio will guarantee a 300,000 rate base for its first issue, on newsstands April 24, 2007, and will "likely broach a wealth of topics beyond business-leader profiles — from investing in high-end art and expansive villas to the best in Italian business suits."
This morning, the Times delivers a much more comprehensive look, mentioning that the mag will go monthly in September 2007, talking to Lipman herself, and delivering the details all you desperate job-seekers want to know:
The magazine expects to hire 75 to 100 writers and editors and about 50 people on the business side. The Web site will have its own staff, but the print writers will be expected to contribute to it.
And the Times also reports on what will actually, you know, be in the magazine.
"This is serious business journalism — investigative, narrative, profiles — a commitment to long-form journalism, and telling that story with great design and art," [Lipman] said. "This is not a lifestyle publication," she added. "This is a business publication."
And, WWD, bless its first-to-tip-the-name heart, lets us know we can expect a profile of Google CEO Eric Schmidt in an early — the first? — issue, some 8,000 words and Annie Leibovitz photos. Indeed, while FishbowlNY is wondering how Conde will keep Portfolio's buzz alive till the launch, Women's Wear gives the answer:
Eric Schmidt, Google's chief executive officer, has gamely agreed to be interviewed by the magazine's editor in chief, Joanne Lipman. Schmidt will sit down with Lipman at the Four Seasons for lunch and conversation for approximately 75 people on June 15. "Google is at the center of so many issues right now — the competition with Microsoft, the situation in China. It's the company everyone admires and fears," said David Carey, president of the Cond Nast Business Media group, who added there would be up to six more lunches between now and the launch of the magazine next year.
We can hardly wait — after all, you have so few chances to hear about Google these days.
The Buzz of Magazineland Now Has a Name [NYT]
Memo Pad [WWD]
And the Name Is... Conde Nast Portfolio [Mediaweek]
Conde Settles on Portfolio [FBNY]
Conde Nast's New Portfolio [NYP]
And Si Decides He Shall Call His Business Magazine 'Portfolio'
Breaking: There's Finally (Almost, Nearly, Maybe) a Name for the Conde Nast Business Mag!