Remainders: Puffy and Dan Klores End the Affair

Er, BREAKING: After 10 years of mutual love and support, Diddy and PR man Dan Klores are getting divorced. Word is that Puff left DK for another woman — Jill Fritzo at PMK. But just in case Diddy gets involved in another shooting, Klores is staying on a $1K/month retainer. Gotta keep the bases covered.
UPDATE: DKC has contacted us to clarify that they would never work for anyone for a sum so low as $1K and they insist that they are not on "standby" for any sort of "crisis." Now that Fritzo is claiming to be Diddy's number one, it's unclear what DKC's relationship is, but they'll be damned if you think they're cheap.
And now, the usual linkwrap:
• For once, Alessandra Stanley kind of has it right. What truly blew about the Cooper/Jolie interview was not Jolie herself, but the Coop. He was so busy bringing himself up to her super-crusader level, he forget to, like, do his job. [NYT]
• In fact, in all of two hours, there was less than a minute of Zahara talk, which is available for your condensed pleasure.
• Nevertheless, the interview was the #1 cable news program last night amongst young viewers, all of whom were left unsatisfied by the above clip. [TV Newser]
• Spiderman 3 is filming in Cobble Hill tomorrow; keep an eye out for Heath Ledger and Michelle Williams to lead a protest down Smith Street. [Brooklyn Record]
• Six Columbus? Not so much. [Hotel Chatter]
• There's MySpace, then there's AdvertisersSpace — which is still MySpace, but not. You follow? [NYT]
• Did we know that Rolling Stone is finally blogging regularly? [Rock Daily]
• The profound weirdness of Anne Hathaway's photo shoot for Jane, courtesy of pizza delivery boys and the Killers. [Jane]
• Existential crisis du jour: is masturbating to porn mags online as depressing as masturbating to regular old internet porn? [FishbowlNY]