Vacationing Paparazzi Stalked By Photo-Obsessed Eva Longoria

Just a few hours after the last showtune rendition had been expertly high-kicked by Hugh Jackman and the wedding reception cleanup crew had begun packing her father back into his shipping container, radiant bride Nicole Kidman and her new husband Keith Urban boarded a jet headed towards the most remote, private location they could think of for their honeymoon—a resort in sunny, tropical Tahiti. The very same resort, as a matter of fact, where telephoto-lens-seeking-missile Eva Longoria happened to be checking in with boyfriend Tony Parker:
The 31-year-old and her French boyfriend are staying just meters along the timber boardwalk from Kidman and Urban's over-water villa at the St. Regis resort in Bora Bora.
Longoria and Parker's commercial flight touched down just minutes after Kidman and Urban landed in the main port city on their private Gulfstream jet from Sydney, Australia.
What was supposed to be their first, quiet moments together as man and wife quickly turned into a "four's a crowd, especially when one's a TV actress whose career peaked about 8 months ago" scenario for the frustrated Kidman and Urban. The newlyweds soon found themselves having to come up with creative excuses along the lines of, "Oh, Keith had some bad shellfish. We're going into town to get him some antacid...Don't wait up!" variety in order to ditch the increasingly clingy vacation friends from hell, and their relentless attempts at creating A-list photo-ops by coordinating meal schedules and suggesting poolside rounds of Hearts.