Unintended consequences of geek fame

The Washington Post and "don't call me the Segway inventor" Dean Kamen want geeks to be famous. Rather than letting creative geniuses get all the glory for their piddly "Oscars" and their "works of timeless art," the Post and Kamen want kids to worship real role models like the Google guys and YouTube founders.
Yes, we all want children to be inspired by the realistic, attainable dream of becoming the next Internet billionaire who beats out a thousand other startups to dominate a field of technology. But there may be some unintended consequences.
- President Bush forms agency to investigate steroid scandal at Yahoo
- Larry Ellison's head swells to fill entire Oracle headquarters, killing thousands
- Youth drop out of high school, lie about age to get drafted into AOL army
- MySpace behaves exactly as before
- Google VP Marissa Mayer scores record deal
Yep, it's just a matter of years before mothers don't let their babies grow up to be techies.