Pity poor Paul LoDuca - as if gossip about gambling and allegations of affairs with teenaged temptresses weren't enough, we've now entered the territory where his prowess is being probed. Today's Post introduces us to the Met's catcher's latest paramour, nineteen-year-old Christina Alisio. Alisio (described as "pretty," "fresh-faced," and twice as "the young woman") rated his performance as ""...all right but below what I expected." For the record, LoDuca has denied the allegations (we would too; how bad in bed do you have to be to disappoint a Philly chick?) but it doesn't look like the story is going away anytime soon, especially if this cartoon from the latest New Yorker is any indication.

This image was lost some time after publication.


Earlier: Krista Guterman Sure Is a Hot Piece of...Something