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"Lookit who's got a MySpace page" stories are tired as hell, especially since most are fakes put up as "tributes" to the celeb in question. The only thing that distinguishes American Media editrix Bonnie Fuller's fake page is its origin as a stunt to get on the AMI reality show One Park Avenue. Ad Age reveals the perp in question to be one Shmuly Tennenhaus, a self-described "Hasidic Jew with a ton of chutzpa." In addition to the MySpace, Tennenhaus of course has an OPA-focused blog, though the latter seems to be a repository for net marketing punditry as much as anything. His chances for getting on the show don't look good so far, as you have to make it clear you're desperate without appearing desperate. A nice rack doesn't hurt, either.

Bonnie's MySpace Fan? That Would Be Shmuly [Ad Age]