Defamer Pawn Shop: Emmy For Sale

As we pointed out yesterday, there are many things that Emmy winners can do with their gaudy, underutilized statuettes besides placing them upon a mantel, waiting for dust motes to collect upon their once-polished surface. While whimsical honorees might find a cute way for their golden angel to help out around the house, the more practical-minded might realize that Emmy, with the assistance of Craigslist, can also lend a hand with balancing the checkbook:
Emmy Award - $3500 I am selling an unmarked Emmy award. I am a producer and have had the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences remove the dedication plate and replace it with a blank one.
Perfect gift for the person who has everything. I am moving to Italy and the wife is getting the house, but not my awards! My loss is your gain.
Emmy was awarded for a HBO series, still currently in broadcast; thus the removal of the dedication plate.
Serious bidders only, if interested write a short yet detailed description of who you are and why I should sell it to you.
The seller should probably hold off on the sale until after Sunday night's Emmy ceremony, when bids from disappointed nominees might flood in, with accompanying, appropriately bitter requests that the statuette be engraved with the words, "I Know That I Am A Better Actor Than Charlie Fucking Sheen."