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That naysayer Don Dodge, a member of Microsoft's Emerging Business Team, may have a whole impressive list of reasons that Google's CEO joining Apple's board of directors doesn't really change much. Sure, he's got a point about no money changing hands, and consumer demand is the key to any alliance, yadda yadda.

But like all the other journalists, we know that tech news readers won't be happy unless we predict something. So here are:

Six effects of Eric Schmidt joining Apple's board

  • After Schmidt talks to that health nut Steve Jobs, free candy in Google snack room is removed, leaving only fresh fruit (including, har har, apples)
  • Apple starts "throwing things against the wall and seeing what sticks" — two relaunches of the Newton later, Schmidt is told to shut up
  • Apple redesigns Google front page using only two words, a button, and one rounded corner
  • Cloud of Smug
  • Apple and Google form cooperative design team to establish industry-wide "glassy effect" specs
  • Maybe Google stops being so damn ugly

Google CEO joins Apple board - is there more to this? [Don Dodge]