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"There is a theory that anyone on the planet is connected to any other person through a chain of six people," intones ABC's website for its upcoming coincidental conspiracy show Six Degrees. Unfortunately, it turns out that the whole six degrees of separation theory — a popular staple of party conversation, and the inspiration for a film about such a party conversation, which featured Will Smith gettin' all pre-superstar gay — may be a load of hooey. The theory was first popularized by Stanley Milgram, a researcher who had test subjects try to get letters to unknown (but named) recipients through their circle of acquaintances. The letters took an average of six leaps to reach their addressees, hence the six degrees of separation. Another researcher recently examined Milgram's original notes and found that 95% of the letters never reached their targets at all. But at least we still got a tasteful man-smooch from Will Smith, right? Apparently not, as Smith reportedly refused to actually film that scene, requiring a stand-in to take the gay heat. So many illusions, shattered. Bet that new ABC show rocks, though.

Connecting with people in six steps [BBC]