Trade Round-Up: Hollywood Liberals Entering Unholy Alliance With Republican Schwarzenegger

Realizing that incumbent Governator Arnold Schwarzenegger's views on crucial issues like gay marriage, the environment, and having Los Angeles officially declared the capital of Earth pander to are in alignment with their own, Hollywood liberals find themselves supporting the—gasp!—Republican for reelection. [Variety]
In what could easily result in the most annoying entry in the history of the talent competition genre, ABC greenlights The Impostor, which will seek out the best celebrity impersonator in the country. We anticipate mass suicides during either the fourteenth Captain Kirk impression or the twentieth Travis Bickle-era De Niro. [THR]
A marketing study shows that about one-third of the moviegoing public researches a film on the web before seeing it, a promising finding reassuring studios that they still can exploit the other uniformed two-thirds of their potential audience without online interference. [Variety]
· THR refers to The CW as "television's first patchwork quilt network," a description that aptly captures the new network's salvaging of programming scraps and stitching them together into an aesthetically incoherent, unsightly whole. [THR]
The producers of the Janis Joplin biopic The Gospel According to Janis decide that it's better to have an actress who can sing rather than a pop star who can't sing play Joplin, replacing Pink with Zooey Deschanel. [Variety]