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Thought we'd wait a bit on this, right? The last bloodbath was comparatively recent, but as the comment village expands, so doth comment villainy. On a side note, we believe we've finally gotten that whole avatar graphic thing worked out properly, so go ahead and re-upload your personally visual witticism by clicking "Edit My User Profile" at the bottom of any Gawker post. Now, on to the banny goodness.

Executed: PictureMERollins.
Crime: General doucheness, offending our Native American heritage.

Executed: NamibianBaby.
Crime: Taking us to task for not reading his/her comments.

Executed: BrianVan.
Crime: Asking for it, both figuratively and literally.

Disputants may consults the Gawker Comments FAQ, section 5. However, note also that this manner of death isn't really permanent. Banned commenters may return through invitations or through future general amnesties. Existing commenters should also feel free to nominate other commenters for future bannings; doing so will, of course, raise one's own potential banning profile.