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• Thank God for Wolf Blitzer. There's no way we could get through this plane-in-a-building nightmare were it not for his soothing voice and probing questions, such as, "How could this happen just five years after 9/11?" We don't know how! Tell us, Wolf! Lead us out of the darkness and into the light of understanding! Cue sirens and/or car alarms for extra drama. [Seth Mnookin]
• YouTube fosters a special friendship between straight muscleheads and the Gay men who like to watch. [The Advocate]
• La Esquina: exclusive, quite possibly bruising. [Brain on Fire]
• As if they weren't bad enough, the RNC is now as evil as AOL. [NYSun]
• Anthony Bourdain doesn't mind if annoying bloggers take pictures of his food. [92Y]
• Jihad on the midtown Apple store? [LGF]