Gold Star Motel: Shriveled Junk

Each week, a reader comment per day is selected for inclusion and veneration in the Gold Star Motel. Standards of excellence are arbitrary, fluid, and contradictory. The reward is strictly honorary (at best). This week:
Re: Daily Dose of Douchery (Bonus Schadenfreude Edition): Aleksey Vayner
• Clare - "His Davids are rocking. They're like an arrow, pointing straight to his HGH-shriveled junk."
Re: A Lawyer Who Represents Himself Has a Douchebag for a Client
• Dr. Christian - "Douchebags on Wall Street making fun of this guy is like Gawker making fun of Chuck Klostermann."
Re: Army Strongest One There Is
• snideproject - "Slogan lame."
Re: Gossip Roundup: Guy Ritchie Really Didn't Sign Up for This Crap
• Scout - "Did Madonna get the extended 90 day warranty with her orphan?"
Re: 'Post' Needs to 'Chill' with the 'Quotes'
• Steverino - "Well really, the entire Post should have a quote around it."