• Latest bullshit startup to ask Valleywag for a plug: Kizmeet, which hopes to help people hook up online through their "missed connections." Kinda like people already do on Craigslist's "missed connections." When I asked Craigslist founder Craig Newmark about his reaction, he said, "The innovation is good, but we already have too many distractions." In other words, why bother thinking about this failure in the making? [Kizmeet]
  • A reader comments on this week's launch party for dot-com startup Jangl: "You are right about the taste of the bubbly. It smells like a bubbly sulphur! From a Jangl employee Jeo Brand, Jangl's launch party was totaly a vanity play, because Jangl's product is still 'iron caged' in a blackhole. The product release date drifted from Sept 1st, to Sept 15th, to Oct 1st, to Oct 15th, and now to Nov 15th. Their launch venue was booked back in September, but the product lapsed. By the way, When I happened to witness one of their VC hearing about this, his face turned green."
  • The head of Microsoft's new internal chip design group (which could help build the next Xbox processor and voice recognition systems) says his wife avoids computers. Dude, just get her a Mac. [NY Times]
  • Crash this bash! Google's Sydney office wants to meet female engineers next week. [Google]
  • How do you get free stuff at trade shows? Ask, says blogger John Chow. Also attend press conferences, walk the show floor the last day, and surrender your dignity. [John Chow]
  • CNet's executive editor is outraged — outraged! — by Google's nerve, actually publishing summaries of articles without permission! For shame! [CNet]