Trade Round-Up: Tom Freston Tries Out His New Material

· Hollywood's abuzz about Tom Freston's roast in New York last night, where the terminated, terminally nice guy managed to get a few good ones in, too: "I've been, what do these kids do? Swimming the Internet. Check this out. — one word not two. I'm telling you, one day this is going to be worth a bundle." Make sure to read his instant message conversation with Tom Cruise, in which the two discuss their enthusiasm for something called "MEGA-ATOMIC IMPALER." (Which we'll assume is a video game and mega-atomic impaler.) [Variety]
· Charlize Theron will star with Nick Stahl in Ferris Wheel, an indie drama that will mark Bill Maher's directorial debut. Yes, that Bill Maher. Nope! Not that Bill Maher—another Bill Maher who comes out of visual F/X. [Variety]
· Nerd-hot director Wes Anderson collaborates again with his Life Aquatic co-writer Noah Baumbach on Fantastic Mr. Fox, a mostly stop-motion adaptation of the Roald Dahl book for Fox. [Variety]
· NBC 2.0 continues its unstoppable march of radical innovation by putting its four most promising comedies into a two-hour programming block on Thursday nights, then bestowing this chunk of appointment television with an as-yet-undetermined, catchy catchphrase. [Variety]
· Forbes hosted a two-day media conference at the Beverly Hills Hotel, where the genuine sentiment among execs was one of "consumer fatigue" amidst the plethora of platforms currently available. Finally, however, one lone voice stood up and yelled, "Well?! What are we going to do about it?!" whereupon everyone in attendance instantly jumped off their seats and shouted "Fix it!!!" They then worked together well into the next morning drafting the Pledge of Convergence. [THR]