Monday's NYT Media section brings news of two recent events in the industry: First, David Carr tackles those John Mellencamp "This is our country" car commercials that ran approximately five times for each Tiger pitching error during the World Series. You may have heard about it elsewhere on the Internet, but it's worth reading for Carr's chiding ("you can wave the flag or you can drape one over a coffin. You can't do both.") and his masterful display of what's obviously a deep familiarity with Mellencamp's back catalog. Also, Richard Siklos covers the recent roast of deposed Viacom head Tom Freston, noting the "small clutch of writers who specialize in the genre of media-mogul laughs," of whom Mark Katz, the "reigning king," is cited. Katz was also cited last week by both Radar and B&C, but this story mentions his "[initial reticence] about being interviewed because he does not want to appear to be diminishing the comedic chops of his clients." Guy won't give it up for Jeff Bercovici, but will happily talk to the Times: this is why we still need print media.

American Tragedies, to Sell Trucks

Man Walks Into a Celebrity Lunch... and the Jokes Are All Written for Him [NYT]