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Madona has a heart of gold. If majority of people can keep house pets & treat them like family members, then what's wrong adopting Malawian boy, David Banda.

Believe it or not, that's actually a pro-Madonna-adoption comment on the BBC's "Have Your Say" discussion forum. Unfortunately for hopeful African babies and house pets, the comment was never actually published to the BBC website, though it is tracked by News Sniffer's "Watch Your Mouth," a service that uses RSS feeds to highlight user comments censored by the BBC. Most of the censored comments are barely amusing crap, but a surprising majority are just garden-variety bland and not particularly different (nor more or less objectionable) than those comments approved and published. Check the "latest threads" for the real deal, as many of the "most censored" inaccurately portray the level of comment censoring due to a (now fixed) programming glitch.

Watch Your Mouth [News Sniffer via Boing Boing]