• Drag this timeline back and forth to see who got swallowed when by Microsoft, Yahoo, and Google. [Shmula.com]
  • Huffington Post blog queen Arianna Huffington says at a Fortune summit, "You may not know that occasionally in a dry suit Marissa Mayer snorkels off the coast of Iceland." Enough! We'll pretend the Google VP who spends 14-hour sessions on e-mail and holds 70 meetings a week has time for vacation if you just stop trying to convince us. [Fortune]
  • Steve Jurvetson: Bold-name venture capitalist, extreme biker, sneaky movie screenshot pirate. [SF Gate]
  • Give the New York Times a hand for trying hard to pretend blogs saved this year's elections. [NY Times]
  • It's not on the site yet, so refresh til it is: ThoughtShapers.com is about to publish a deep analysis of Yahoo's click-fraud class-action settlement. Winner: Yahoo. [Thought Shapers]