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Each week, a reader comment per day is selected for inclusion and veneration in the Gold Star Motel. Standards of excellence are arbitrary, fluid, and contradictory. The reward is strictly honorary (at best). This week:

Re: Mario Batali Prefers Big, Hairy, and Hung
Meretrix - "For what it's worth, I've yet to see a fat man with a big cock. And I've seen a lot of fat man cock in my line of work."

Re: Breaking: Atoosa Rubenstein Wants To Be In The YOU Business
ahem - "Wow, she knows me better than I know myself! I didn't realize that the questions I didn't know I was asking had answers in a magazine I hardly knew existed!"

Re: Anderson Cooper Tattoo Defies Our Expectations
KarenUhOh - "That's the first female leg Coop's crawled up since Mommy's."

Re: Douchebag Hall of Fame: Our Doors Open For Anyone Who Uses the Word "Lover"
ellagood - "i just noticed the gem 'the room is freakishly quiet for New York.' yeah, when compared to the blitzkrieg-like fucking going on 70 feet away."

Re: Gawker Rebuttal: Mario Batali's Penis
RomanHans - "That's the best speech I've heard by a dick since Santorum conceded."