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Our commenter execution policy is tough but fair (and, let's face it, no permanent bar to re-entry.) Occasionally, however, one of the executed becomes so irate by having been banned that they wind up providing us with a fairly strong confirmation that out initial judgment was correct. After the jump we bring you the angry ramblings of a former Gawker commenter. We're gonna go ahead and assume that the [sic] is implied.

"Thanks for the execution. Didn't figure anyone gave a damn.

I'm a 49 year old black female engineer who works for [redacted], one of the biggest nerd factories on earth.

"Every post" that you referred to... was not correct.

I work, I don't screw around with your website during my work days.

I work TWO jobs, but more importantly, I SEEMED to comment on every post because I DID IT DURING THE FEW HOURS I HAD ON MY 'WEEKEND'.

But thanks, cause you broke the spell.

For all your websites.

And now I'm back to blogging for the people who actually appreciate me.

Elitist is the least of your concerns; but you are so correct that I am not your type.

I am married to a journalist and a columnist who is funnier than I and contributed to my replies.

So you didn't execute executed HIM.

Well...he's my husband, mutherfuckers, and you don't diss HIM.


Don't husband?

Don't you EVER...

Thanks for wasting my's an amusing diversion during the weekend, but for the love of GOD you are in no way ALL THAT.

And by the way, I searched "commenter executions" on ALL of your websites.

What the fuck kind of elitist bullshit is this?

Do you want people to see your site or NOT?


Actually, I don't care...this site was interesting to my husband, not to me.

I'm too busy to bother, but you needed to know how your crappy executions of NON TROLLS just irritate the living shit outta folks.

Well, done now.

Good day.

[Name redacted]"

We don't have very much to add, except to note the fact that it took two people to write those unfocused dollops of disarticulation. Kind of impressive, really.

Earlier: This Week in Commenter Executions