David Lynch And The Cow Return

For those of you who found last week's David Lynch promotional stunt for Inland Empire too geographically inconvenient to attend, you have a second chance to catch the director, his trusty cow sidekick, and various signs celebrating Laura Dern's performance in person, where you can possibly absorb some of his cryptic wisdom on the origins of cheese. Alerts a reader apparently unaware that Lynch and his bovine prop previously graced a corner in Hollywood last Thursday:
david lynch is on sunset and holloway right now, sitting on a corner in a director's chair with a cow next to him. he's apparently shooting something for his new Inland Empire movie with Laura Dern, and doesn't mind a bunch of people taking pictures.
Video and/or photographs of the director and cow's latest appearance are still welcome, especially if they reveal a level of weirdness exceeding that of last week's visitation.
UPDATE: We've already received photos, and think it's safe to say that Tower Record's GOING OUT OF BUSINESS sign looming behind Lynch and the cow does add an appropriate touch of surreality to the scene. Pics after the jump:

[Photo: Warren Tabutol]