Craigslist Blackmailer's Other Slutty Schemes

Scooping the Post is like taking candy from the proverbial baby: not very challenging, but we'll still totally do it whenever the opportunity presents itself. Ergo, more on Jessica Wolcott's dumb-ass attempts to make herself rich by posting semiwhorey photos of herself on various websites: she also was a member of person-to-person lending site Prosper, where, in a loan request initiated March 27, Jessica mentions she just got $30K:
I am the girl who had a patent idea that I was trying to secure funding in order to start a business. I wasn't able to convince the lenders on Prosper, but I did convince some private investors and I ended up securing over $30,000!
Could this be the $30K that Wandschneider gave Jessica in early March 2006? We'll let you ponder that one while looking at the rest of the totally gorgeous pix in the Craigslist "cutie's" profile.
Earlier: Craigslist Blackmailer Took Pepsi Challenge