
Hamilton Nolan · 08/12/14 08:23AM

New York prosecutors have filed usury charges against a dozen payday loan companies offering interest rates "between 350 and 650 percent." The payday loan industry is run exclusively by bad people who will go to hell.

'Hacker' Sentenced to Six Years in 'Sextortion' Case

Max Read · 09/04/11 04:25PM

Luis Mijangos, a computer programmer from Souther California, was sentenced to six years in prison last week for hacking into several women's computers, finding explicit photos and videos, and using them to demand more.

John Stamos' Alleged Adventures in Underage Sex and Cocaine

Max Read · 07/12/10 11:02PM

Actor John Stamos tried to perform oral sex on a 17-year-old girl after plying her with cocaine delivered by strippers, according to the girl, who is now on trial for attempting to extort Stamos out of $680,000. Have mercy!

Yelp Surrenders Payola War, Loses Easiest Shot at Profit

Ryan Tate · 04/06/10 11:44AM

Yelp has surrendered. CEO Jeremy Stoppelman announced his local-reviews site will stop selling merchants the ability to select "favorite reviews," which push negative feedback further down profile pages. So now how will Yelp make money?

The Completely Evil Social Network

Ryan Tate · 03/31/10 04:33PM

Welcome to the ultimate distillation of all the most evil social networking practices to have emerged over the past couple of years: Unvarnished, a website where complete strangers can set up your "profile" and mock you before potential employers.

Yelp Is Now Disappointing Internet Pioneers

Ryan Tate · 03/18/10 01:20PM

The last thing Yelp needs right now is a public imbroglio with an upset internet luminary. But the local-reviews website sure has one, on top of many new lawsuits from merchants and an embarrassing tiff with Google.