Holiday Gifts for The Meth Fiend on Your List

Yesterday was Meth Appreciation — sorry, 'Awareness' — Day, and the Post and Daily News are celebrating today with stories about Citigroup exec Michael Knibb, who transformed his $6,000/month penthouse into a "sophisticated" meth lab. That's a picture of the classy setup on the right. It got us to thinking — what crank-addled friend of Tina couldn't use a few new decanters and vases that double as meth-brewin' vessels this holiday season? Well, since we're not afraid to be servicey, we thought we'd suggest a few.

Why boil up your drugs in a utilitarian beaker when a Waterford 'Siren' vase is so much more chic?

New York suggests this Alvar Aalto vase as a perfect gift for your in-laws. Even more perfect if your in-laws love tooting up some crank!

However, for the more utility-minded giftee, Santa might want to stick to the basics. Red phosphorus: for the true methamphetamine connoisseur, it's the gift that keeps on giving.
'Crystal' Palace [NYP]
Meth Lab in 'High' Rise [NYDN]